ATELER BROOKS has a Gallery & Salon in Karuizawa. There you can see a working “Crescent Type” Circle Island Kitchen. We would be happy to welcome you in our Gallery & Salon, either for a visit, or during sightseeing in the Karuizawa area.
Address : 872 Kyu Karuizawa, Karuizawa Cho, Nagano, Japan
Reservation necessary, closed in winter (Dec. – March)
Access :2.5Km from North Exit of Karuizawa Station, Nagano Shinkansen Train, 10 minutes on foot from St. Paulo Church. Parking available.
【 MAP 】
Please kindly contact us by phone or e-mail in advance. We recommend your bringing a copy of this map when you come.
Incidentally, we also hold a series of “All Chopin Concerts” using a Pleyel grand piano made in 2006, model P190. This piano is on permanent display in the Karuizawa Gallery & Salon. The capacity of our hall is a mere 50 people. Although the piano is a reproduction model, we began our concert series in 2007 with the hope of recreating the atmosphere of the salon concerts in Chopin’s time. After each concert, please join us for teatime with the performing artist at the “Circle Stage”.
The next All Chopin Concert with “Pleyel Piano” in 2012 will be played on Sunday April 29 and Sunday July 15 by Mr. Yukio Yokoyama, and on Saturday August 18 by Ms. Yuko Nakamichi (Pf) and Ms Yoko Hasegawa (Vc). In addition, we are preparing a collaboration event of a lecture and reading of a Chopin story by some writers in Karuizawa this summer. If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us. A detailed schedule can be found in our Japanese language blog. (letter from Karuizawa by Atelier Brooks)

Interior of Gallery with 5,5m high ceiling. (permanently displayed piano “Pleyel” shown)

Mr. Yukio Yokoyama July 17, 2011, playing an all Chopin Concert.

Ms. Ikuyo Nakamichi on August 8, 2010, playing an all Chopin Concert.

37th all chopin program in Karuizawa

45th all chopin program in Karuizawa

46th all chopin program in Karuizawa

47th all chopin program in Karuizawa